Sunday Favorites

DUDES!!!... It’s officially SPOOKY season! I live my best, most happiest life in October but I’m also always toeing the line with too much
cheesy Halloween deco.
I am thrilled by the cooler weather, the crispy crunchy leaves and the looming celebration of Halloween.

Check out our Shop My Shelf for all the goodies!

It’s time for the fall cozy crafts. Personally, I’ve picked up the rather challenging art of sewing. I started with super cute clothes for the girls but… surprise, surprise… they won’t wear anything I’ve made. So now I sew for myself! It’s been fun and really interesting learning a new skills which uses my hands but a totally different part of my brain. Now for my fall project…. QUILTS!

These are my quilt goals… here, here and HERE (omg I can not even with that last one)

And of course I want to do a Halloween quilt for the girls, if anything to fulfill my need for all the cringy cute Halloween prints but alas, I’m too late to hit the mark for it this year so onto the winter quilt inspiration.

HIT ME UP with your favorite random hobbies and crafty projects!


A semi-fancy clothing option because I love a good school girl inspired skirt… I mean, I am a child of the 90s and early Aughts. This gets me into the fall-back-to-school vibes, without going full camp. Plus you’ll always snap me with a name like that! 


A brilliant comment on FRIENDSHIPS.


What am I completely over but obviously we can’t stop talking about - CELEBRITY SKINCARE/BEAUTY BRANDS. Ugh.

A brief rundown of the ones which make the least sense to me….

Golf le Fleur by Tyler the Creator I am VVERY into his website design though.


Pleasing by Harry Styles Nail polish is the highlight here. 


Pley Beauty by Peyton List
I’m old, who is she even?
But I do like this highlight stick.


The Outset by ScarJo I’ll never understand celebrities (who spend $$$$$$ on their skincare with access to the best skin pros) creating skincare brands.

S'ABLE Labs by Idris & Sabrina Elba damn, they are freaking very cute together. Also I stand by this as a line to target common beauty concerns in melanated skin, like hyper pigmentation and inflammation.

John Legend, Brad Pitt, Michael Strahan, Travis Barker… why even? These don’t make sense to me and I imagine these going down in a fiery flame of failure. Sorry, too strong?!

Some of these make sense, like yes of course Kate Moss and Gwen Stephani, make your beauty and skincare lines. You’ve only walked to cutting edge of beauty for the past 20 years, so of course you have a position of influence and knowledge. But everyone else, okay let it go!

Apologies, stepping off the soap box now!  More Halloween on the next one, promise :)


Under Eyes; An Underrated Challenge


Sunday Favorites